Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Modern Images of Siddhartha

K, Lin. I Just Gave You Beautiful. Digital image. Blogfa, Oct. 2014. Web. 07 Oct. 2014.

              The image above depicts the journey of Siddhartha because it portrays the suffering and experience Siddhartha encountered on his journey for enlightenment.   This image shows suffering through the tears falling from the human eye as well as a blue through which you can see for miles the pain and anguish of the sufferer.   Siddhartha, first living with  his family among the Brahmins, is unsatisfied and thirsts for knowledge.  As he travels to learn from new teachers he understands their teaching but still cannot find meaning and happiness within the world.  Siddhartha is still suffering throughout his journey.  This image shows that sadness and suffering can cause a multitude of actions stemming from the pain one may feel.  The person depicted in this image may lash out at others very easily or even feel a sense of uncertainty about them-self.  Of one who is suffering it is easy to cause more pain to others or one's self.  This image shows suffering through the tears falling from the human eye as well as a blue through which you can see for miles the pain and anguish of the sufferer.  


  1. The picture didn't load but the description was so well done that I can see the obvious connection... try reloading picture :) 10/10

  2. Wow - the picture is beautiful :) Thank you
